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Discover the Authentic Flavor of Corn Tortillas

At La Milpa, we are proud to offer tortillas that represent a fusion of traditional methods and modern quality standardsOur tortillas are made with sustainable practices, which makes them both flavorful and responsible


Quality in variety

Our tortillas showcase the depth and diversity of heirloom corn, with each product offering a unique taste and nutritional profile

Responsibly Sourced

Partnering with local farmers, we ensure that our corn is of the highest quality, emphasizing sustainable practices

Embracing Tradition

Our use of the nixtamalization process enhances flavor and unlocks nutritional benefits

Health & Nutrition

nutrition meets flavor

Corn tortillas are the foundation for many traditional Mexican dishes. They are packed with protein, minerals, and amino acidsOur tortillas are intended for people like you, who care about healthy products without compromising on tasteCorn tortillas are also gluten-free!



We prepare the corn in an alkaline solution which releases corn's valuable vitamins and minerals


We carefully grind the nixtamal with volcanic stones in small batches to create the perfect masa (dough)


Finally, we hand-feed the masa to the tortilla press where it is cut in circles and cooked

About us

Rooted in Tradition

Our journey is inspired by the rich heritage of Mexican cuisine, with a focus on quality, locality, and authenticity in every tortillaThe founders of La Milpa are committed to bringing you the best traditional Mexican tortillas


Here are some easy recipes you can try to enjoy your tortillas

want to get some tortillas?

Subscribe to our mailing list and get 15% off your first order

We put love and art into each authentic tortilla. Made from heirloom corn, our tortillas serve up flavour in every bite. We stand with small-scale farmers, making sustainability a key ingredient in our process.🌽

[email protected]
© 2023 La Milpa d.o.o.


Otkrijte autentičan okus tortilja od kukuruza

La Milpa tortilje jedinstveni su spoj bogate meksičke tradicije, održivih proizvodnih praksi i modernih standarda kvalitete.

što je La milpa?

Kvaliteta u raznolikosti

Naše tortilje nasljeduju dubinu i raznolikost izvornog kukuruza, pri čemu svaki proizvod nudi jedinstven okus i nutritivni profil

plod zajednice

U suradnji s lokalnim uzgajivačima štitimo kvalitetu kukuruza te posebno vrednujemo održive prakse u poljoprivredi

plod Tradicije

Procesom tzv. nixtamalizacije pojačavamo okus i maksimalno oslobađamo nutritivne vrijednosti

Zdravlje i prehrana

kada hranjivost susretne okus...

Kukuruzne tortilje temelj su mnogih tradicionalnih meksičkih jela. Bogate su proteinima, mineralima i aminokiselinama.Naše tortilje namijenjene su ljudima poput tebe, koji cijene zdrave proizvode bez kompromitiranja okusa.Također, naše su kukuruzne tortilje bez glutena!



Pripremamo sastojke koristeći jedinstveni tradicionalni proces kojim oslobađamo vrijedne vitamine i minerale kukuruza


Pažljivo meljemo kukuruz vulkanskim kamenjem u malim serijama kako bismo stvorili savršenu masu (tijesto)


Konačno, ručno doziramo dobivenu masu u prešu gdje se tortilje oblikuju i peku

O nama

Utemeljeno u Tradiciji

Naše putovanje je inspirirano bogatom baštinom meksičke kuhinje, s fokusom na kvalitetu, lokalitet i autentičnost u svakoj tortiljiPosvećeni smo donošenju najboljih tradicionalnih meksičkih tortilja


Evo nekoliko jednostavnih recepata koje možete isprobati kako biste uživali u svojim tortiljama

Želiš li nabaviti tortilje?

Pretplatite se na našu mailing listu i ostvarite 15% popusta na svoju prvu narudžbu

Stavljamo ljubav i umjetnost u svaku autentičnu tortilju. Napravljene od baštinskog kukuruza, naše tortilje pružaju okus u svakom zalogaju. Podržavamo male poljoprivrednike, čineći održivost ključnim sastojkom u našem procesu. 🌽

[email protected]
© 2023 La Milpa d.o.o.

prijavljeni - Subscribed


[HR] Javit ćemo vam čim započnemo proizvodnju[EN] We will reach out as soon as our production starts!

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Effective Date: July 1st 2023This Privacy Policy outlines how We, La Milpa d.o.o., collect, use, and protect the personal information of individuals who visit our landing page in Europe. We are committed to protecting your privacy and complying with applicable data protection laws, including the European Union's General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).1. Information We Collect
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[email protected]
© 2023 La Milpa d.o.o.

Easy Recipes for Tacos

How to warm up your tortillas

The first thing to do when you want to make a taco is to warm up your tortilla.The tortilla must not break down when you fold it, that's one of the main things so enjoy a good taco, so this step is important!Once you take your tortilla out of the package it might be stiff. To avoid breaking it down, you must heat it up before trying to fold it.To heat it up properly, warm up a pan at medium-high heat. Before throwing your tortilla into the pan, add a bit of water into it since it might be dehydrated - passing it quickly once per sice through the water faucet stream is enough.After the tortilla is slightly wet, now you can put it in the pan. Leave it in the pan for about 20 seconds and now you can fold your tortilla.If you are making a quesadilla you can put some cheese and fold it in the pan. If you are making tacos, you can just take it out of the pan and put it aside in a paper towel - the best is to let your tortillas rest in a pile and cover them with a clean kitchen towel.

Grilled Shrimp Quesadillas

This is a nice recipe for grilled shrimps - if you ran out of them (like we usually do) give it a try just with the cheese and some salsa!

Tinga tacosi

Chicken tinga is one of the favorite and healthiest recipes in Mexico and one of the easiest ones since it requires simple ingredients - give it a try!

Steak Tacos

Steak tacos are maybe the easiest way to make tacos! Just get your favorite steak, prepare a simple salsa with tomatoes, onion, and lime, and serve yourself to some of the best tacos ever!

Jednostavni recepti za tacose

Kako zagrijati svoje tortilje

Prva stvar koju trebate učiniti kada želite napraviti taco je zagrijati tortilju.Tortilja se ne smije raspasti kada je savijate, to je jedna od glavnih stvari za uživanje u dobrom tacou, pa je ovaj korak važan!Kada izvadite tortilju iz pakiranja, može biti kruta. Da biste izbjegli njezino pucanje, morate je zagrijati prije nego što je pokušate saviti.Da biste je pravilno zagrijali, zagrijte tavu na srednje visokoj temperaturi. Prije nego što bacite tortilju u tavu, dodajte malo vode jer može biti dehidrirana - dovoljno je jednom brzo proći svaku stranu kroz mlaz vode iz slavine.Nakon što je tortilja lagano vlažna, možete je staviti u tavu. Ostavite je u tavi oko 20 sekundi i sada možete saviti tortilju.Ako pravite quesadillu, možete dodati sir i saviti je u tavi. Ako pravite tacose, možete je jednostavno izvaditi iz tave i staviti na stranu na papirnati ručnik - najbolje je ostaviti tortilje da odstoje u hrpi i pokriti ih čistim kuhinjskim ručnikom.

Grilirane quesadille sa škampima

Ovo je odličan recept za grilirane škampe - ako vam ponestane (kao što se nama često događa), isprobajte ga samo sa sirom i malo salse!

Tinga tacosi

Piletina tinga jedan je od omiljenih i najzdravijih recepata u Meksiku, a ujedno i jedan od najjednostavnijih jer zahtijeva jednostavne sastojke - isprobajte ga!

Tacosi s biftekom

Tacosi s biftekom možda su najlakši način za pripremu tacosa! Samo uzmite svoj omiljeni biftek, pripremite jednostavnu salsu s rajčicama, lukom i limetom, i poslužite si neke od najboljih tacosa ikada!